Friday, March 7, 2025

Beastcast 78 - Disney+ MCU TV shows are utter Trash Part 2

1 comment:

  1. Great Macho impression, and spot on Bill Gates impression. Bill Gates is married to a man and wants us to eat bugs, but the XBOX 360 was awesome, so I guess I'll eat dem bugs. I'll take my cricket burger with extra roach sauce Mr. Gates, yummy.

    I've actually been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (first watch through, so no spoilers please) on Hulu through Disney Plus right now. It's a incredibly refreshing show to watch in 2025. Pretty white people, late 90's/early 2000's culture, cheesy action and jokes, FEELS GOOD.

    I'm still really looking forward to the return of Stranger Things on Netflix, which does have some Woke Skin Walker™ elements, like they have the attractive ginger girl paired up with already know, such as many cases. But whatever, I'm a rube, it's a good show. Did you ever get into Stranger Things at all?

    ...and of course, there is a "Stranger Things x MOTU" toy at Target, I'll probably buy it, lol.

    A Woke Skin Walker™ heel stable? Oh man that's hard to say, I don't "hate-watch" any video game channels anymore. Metal Jesus Rocks has to be the leader of them though. He's a full blown skin walker both in appearance and demeanor.


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