Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tiger Claw Radio #486 - Sims 2 Can't Be Returned


1 comment:

  1. The Pinball Highscore project is fun. RE Reverse isnt that a game you and Swingle played? EA is still scummy as usual its no surprise, especsially since Sims 2 Collection is free on their Digital Distro site. Sims 1 collection should of been free or at most 5 bucks, also I hear that it is very buggy. They should of make sure a 25 year old game can work on modern Operating Systems before asking 20 bucks again, lol. I guessed Metal Gear for NES but not Snakes Revenge so I wasn't quite correct. Windows 95 era is a pain to emulate, I wish it was easier. It is sad that so much content is lost on the web. I remember that clip from that missing TCR episode, I do vaguely remember listening to it back then. As cringe inducing alot of my early stuff is I have it backed up. Its sad that new DOS stuff will be very rare or practially non-existent but on the other hand its great that alot of the other old computers are getting alot of new games every year. Like I see new Amiga games pop all the time and alot of them look really good. Question of the Beast: What Windows 95 era game are you dying to play again that is not on GOG and is not as easy to Emulate. For me 2 of them are ZPC are really cool early Doom-clone that played well and had a unique dark black and white comic book look and Conquest Earth a RTS from Eidos that tried to compete in the RTS wave of the late 90s that fell into obscurity. Great episode, man see you lata!


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