
Monday, August 12, 2024

Tiger Claw Radio #477 - Master of Unlocking


  1. Welcome back.

    The current XBOX 360 I'm using, I got from some free Facebook group something or's one of the non exploding ones...and I still enjoy it. I tried using the 360 Store towards the end, but it was pretty abandoned and broken looking, so I didn't grab anything. That 7th Generation of Console Gaming was the last full generation that didn't suck, kind of like how the 90's was the last full decade that didn't suck, so it should be respected.

    Rest easy XBOX 360, you were good soldier.
    *lowers XBOX flag half-mast*

    I'm still a XBOX fan, but that Phil Spencer character might have killed the entire brand, what a silly goofball! L-O-L

    I've been playing a lot of Sea of Thieves lately, it's kind of fun and also kind of terrible, such as many cases...I think that's all I've got, oh and I'm having tacos for dinner, tacos rule.

    Welp, cya!

  2. nice episode man! glad to see you back
