Monday, December 30, 2019
Kamen Rider BLACK! Episiode 20 - Rider's Grave. Summary/Review
Closing 2019 and the 2010's off with a bang. This is my summary and review of Kamen Rider Black episode 20. Have a Happy New Year, you filthy animals. *Shoots readers with a tommy gun* (Since you survived the shot, click on "Read More" to read the full article.)
Friday, December 27, 2019
Green Phoenix - Die Hard Review

Hope you all had a Happy Holidays! While I have taken most of December off to recollect myself and compile a stockpile of material for the coming year, I felt it would be a pleasant treat to give you all "Christmas" movie review to send the year off.
And what better movie to review than the most kick-ass Christmas movie of all time? An adaptation of the 1979 novel by Roderick Thorp's Nothing Lasts Forever, 1988's Die Hard has rightfully earned it place as one of the greatest action movies of all time.
Though the film's production history is one of false starts, recastings, and few expectations; it launched the action career of Bruce Willis and fundamentally shifted movie-goers expectations of what an action movie could be.
All with a wonderfully strange Christmas setting at its heart.
With that in mind, let's take a nice long look at Die Hard and end 2019 on a kick-ass action movie.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot: Episode 05 - The Gigantic Claw
A breakthrough in metallurgy causes the Gargoyle Gang to poop ingots in a frantic race to steal the new alloy's blueprints from it's creator, Dr. Thaddagor (Not sure exactly how to spell it. Was never mentioned in credits). With the durability to endure all of the attacks the Flying Robot can dish out, the new alloy would be able to replace the Flying Robot they once owned and destroy UNICORN with ease. Will Johnny Sokko be able to protect the blueprints as they are transferred to America? Only one way to find out. Click 'Read More' to see my full summary and opinion of the episode.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Number 40: Endless Worrying - Summary/Review
This episode is promising to be a weird one. The last episodes preview showed Kairi getting married to a stranger. I can't stop worrying, about what will happen. Click "read more" and let's find out.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Krinkle Krusher (PS4) Review.
Time for a review of a game that's about blowing cute things up to seventh heaven. This is Krinkle Krusher, a game where you play as a wizard and a glove, blowing cute baddies up. It sounds like a promising title. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review.)
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Number 39: Bet It All on This - Summary/Review
The plot continues. Last episode's preview teased a new power for LupinRed. As if the Lupinrangers need any more power. Click "read more" for the full coverage.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Number 38: The Collection Piece From Space - Summary/Review
Gosh these are long titles. Hello, Red Diamond here again covering the 38th episode of Lupin vs Pat. Sounds like we are going into space with this episode. Will they meet Andros? Definitely not! But, click "read more" and let's see what really happens.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Green Phoenix - Remembering My Little Pony

With ten seasons, multiple television movies and spin-offs, online video shorts, two feature length films (one in production now), and millions upon millions of hours of fan-created content, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is leaving behind a magnificent cultural legacy, one that will likely go down on the level of Star Trek or Lord of the Rings on its cultural and fan impact.
With that in mind, and with my own membership within the Brony fandom, I felt that a wonderful tribute I could give to the show which has done so much for me would be to reminisce about the show, the fandom that was born from it, and the impact that My Little Pony had upon my life in general.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Number 37: The Place you call Home - Summary/Review
Thirty seventh episode time. These could be the last chances to for any filler or establishment so let's see what is in store.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
News: Pokemon Global Link Shuts Down in 2020
After a decade of service, starting with the Black and White games in 2010, the Pokemon Global Link will be shutting down February 24, 2020.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Charinko Hero (Nintendo Gamecube) Review.
For many ages now, the schoolyard kids have argued about which kid's superheroes could beat up the other kid's superheroes. Goku Vs. Superman. Spiderman Vs. Batman. Angry Video Game Nerd Vs. Nostalgia Critic. (Although I don't know why kids would be watching them.) All these (and many more) have been the topic of many recess time debates. Today I tackle a verses topic that got turned into a video game. Ultraman Vs. Kamen Rider. I wonder how this will turn out? This is Charinko Hero for the Nintendo Gamecube. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review.)
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Red Prime Shard: Steven Universe Future Intro Pre-Thoughts & Promo-Thoughts
So the final series for Steven Universe titled Steven Universe Future was announced some time ago and it got a lot of us excited and curious for how this series would conclude. We were first shown the intro for this series, and just recently, a promo came out. I’m going to analyze the intro first, then analyze the promo to see how things may differ from my original thoughts and what was true to them.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Green Phoenix - Dragonheart Review

Originally set up as "The Skin Game with a dragon in it...Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", Dragonheart was a film which could've been the great Fantasy film that Hollywood was waiting for. The film that The Lord of the Rings would eventually become. In another universe, this film could've been directed by Richard Donner or Kenneth Branagh, but instead fell into the lap of Rob Cohen.
As I looked into the background and production of Dragonheart, what we got instead was a film where greed and studio politics kneecapped the final product yet could not completely destroy the heart behind the original story.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
VR Troopers Episode 13 Review - Dogmatic Change
We finally get a serious topic in today's episode of VR Troopers. Ryan Steele wants to convert to Hinduism. Oh, sorry, it ain't that kind of dogmatic change. Kaitlin wants to write an article about the local dog pound to encourage adoptions. Carl Ziktor, because he can, decides to mutate a dog so it can terrorize the town...and maybe curb future dog adoptions? It sounds like a pretty bad thing for Ziktor to do, so let us find out how the VR Troopers can stop it.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Red Diamond: Super Sentai World - Summary/Review
Here is an unexpected thing to be so easily available, a short 10 minute Super Sentai film that was shown in Amusement Parks and Special events nationwide in Japan back in 1994. Five different Sentai teams join up, with Kakuranger being the current at the time. It was shown as a triple feature along with Kamen Rider World and Toei Hero Daishugō, two other short films. Based on that, it can be easy to assume this flick was more for the events surrounding it than the actual film itself. However, just for the sake of morbid curiosity, let's click "read more" and take a look at whatever this will be.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
News: New Pokemon Games Spark Backlash Amongst Fans
News: New Pokemon Games Spark Backlash Amongst Fans
From National Dex cuts, reused models of Pokemon from the 3DS era of games, to poor visual quality and even allegations of SS using the Switch's NAND as extra RAM (causing "bad batch" Switch consoles to brick), the new Pokemon games have seemingly not lived up to many gamer's representations of what a "good" Pokemon game really is.
From National Dex cuts, reused models of Pokemon from the 3DS era of games, to poor visual quality and even allegations of SS using the Switch's NAND as extra RAM (causing "bad batch" Switch consoles to brick), the new Pokemon games have seemingly not lived up to many gamer's representations of what a "good" Pokemon game really is.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Kamen Rider: The Bike Race (Playstation 1) Review. Simple Character 2000 Series Vol. 3
Finally! I am reviewing something from the greatest video game series of all time! Yes, this is the Simple Series where you can get quality games for dirt cheap. Okay, we are talking about a different kind of quality here. A quality that's best described as being so bad that it's good. There are a few exceptions though as some of the games in this series are really, really good. Will this game be one of them? This is Kamen Rider - The Bike Race and it is volume three of the Simple Character 2000 Series. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review.)
Friday, November 15, 2019
Green Phoenix - Godzilla (1998) Review

In the wake of films like Jurassic Park, with its groundbreaking use of CGI, there was a proliferation of CG-heavy monster and disaster movies that characterized the "Dark Age of Cinema". Big of effects, but oftentimes light on story, this period would see Godzilla return with a controversial new-look but a surprisingly familiar story.
But maybe a little too familiar.
From the directorial mind behind Independence Day, 1998's Godzilla would be the film that killed Godzilla to the majority of western audiences for nearly a decade. Despite a magnificent marketing campaign, the lack of original story, compelling characters, and effects that failed to wow due to their sheer ubiquity during this period of blockbuster cinema left Godzilla a dull, plodding, and even mean-spirited mess that is still mocked to this day in the US and especially Japan.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Gekisou Sentai Carranger Ep. 1: Fighting for Traffic Safety - Summary/Review
This season was a real let down in Power Rangers, but that's not the case in Super Sentai. What we have here is a season that took a step back from the constant serious and dark writing that the older Sentai were known for and focused more on comedy with a driving safety theme. Gekisou Sentai, or Racing Squadron. Yup, some even refer to this season as a spoof. So, let's click "read more" and take a look at the first episode.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Jissen Pachi Slot Hisshoho Single: Kamen Rider & Gallop (Playstation 1) Review.
Today, I went gambling with Kamen Rider and a horse in this slot machine simulator for Sony's PlayStation. This is Jissen Pachi Slot Hisshoho Single: Kamen Rider & Gallop. (Try saying that name three times without blinking.) (Click on "Read More" to read the review.)
Friday, November 8, 2019
Green Phoenix - The Saga of Tanya the Evil Review

So imagine my surprise when I am introduced to a series like Youjo Senkai, more commonly known by its English title The Saga of Tanya the Evil. A series based on the light novels by Carlo Zen and adapted by some former Madhouse animators, directors, and producers, The Saga of Tanya the Evil is available for viewing on Crunchyroll.
While I have watched and do enjoy the English sub, I will using the English dub for the review of the series (as I feel it is of comparable quality). I will also be taking a look at the recently released film in my analysis of the series, as it effectively plays the role of the second season.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Red Diamond: My top 10 Best Incarnations of Power Rangers
Here is a countdown I feel needs to be gotten out of the way. There is a lot of diversity when it comes to "best" seasons of Power Rangers, but this list is purely my opinion. Many people and websites will disagree and that is perfectly fine. One note, rather than "season", I'm listing "incarnations" because some have multiple seasons and this makes it easier. So, click "read more" and let's go.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Grass Cutter - Mutated Lawns (Playstation Vita) Review.
Have you ever wanted to play a game that's based on your fantasy of mowing peoples lawns for a buck, while your best friend's attractive mother brings you a nice tall cold glass of lemonade? Well, this game is kinda like that, but without your best friend's sexy mother. This is Grass Cutter for the Sony PlayStation Vita of all things. Will this game be a blast or will it be less fun than watching grass grow? It's a Sometimes You game, so it's bound to be one of those two things. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review.)
Friday, November 1, 2019
Green Phoenix - The Monolith Monsters Review

And much like that film, I was absolutely enthralled by a film that represented the absolute best of a "so bad, it's good" kind of B-movie horror.
Released in 1957 by Universal-International, The Monolith Monsters is goofy, campy, and wholly ridiculous in both its premise and execution. And it was considered just as much back when it was first made as well.
But just like The Car, I found myself innately drawn to rather unknown black-and-white science fiction film from the Golden Age of B-Movies.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
My Top 5 Worst Incarnations of Power Rangers
I'm not usually a hater of things as I try to find the good. However, even a beloved franchise has its low moments. While there aren't 10 incarnations of Power Rangers that I actively dislike, I can at least force out 5. So, let's click "read more" to see my personal top 5 worst picks that are probably not very uncommon choices.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Fenris Talks About: Three More Gaming Gems You May Not Know About
Going with a more generalized format this time, here's three more games that may or may not have slipped under your radar.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Power Rangers Zeo Full Tilt Battle Pinball (PS1) Review.
What a sec? This isn't Kamen Rider! Oh, well. Time to take over Red Diamond's shift for the day and review something Power Rangers/Sentai related. What we've got here is one of the more obscure Power Rangers games out there. This is Power Rangers Zeo Full Tilt Battle Pinball for the original PlayStation. Yeah, making a pinball game based on Power Rangers Zeo makes about as much sense as making a racer based on the same series... Oh, wait. That really happened and it's on the Super Nintendo. Anyway, let's see if this game is any good or not. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review.)
Friday, October 25, 2019
Green Phoenix - Building Better Backstories II

The premise behind this series of editorials will be amending or transforming the backstories behind famous fictional characters, events, or organizations to fix issues that I see with them. This could be something as complex as a complete rewrite of a backstory, to a simple retexturing of the overall lesson.
My aim with this series is for you to join me in considering why fiction utilizes certain backstories and how those stories and the changes we make can have a fundamental impact on the overall "feel" of the character, event, or organization in question.
And in today's Building Better Backstories, we will take a look at Marvel's most infamous
The Master of Magnetism and Leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants: Max Eisenhardt/Eric Lehnsherr, otherwise known as Magneto.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mirai Sentai Timeranger: Episodes 12-14 - Summary/Review
We are back for more with four more episodes of Timeranger. So far, the episodes have been focusing on character development and that looks to be the continuing theme. So, click "read more" and let us see what comes next.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Fenris Talks About: Three Hidden Gems on the Original Xbox You May Not Know About
Want more games to add to your ever increasing back catalog of games? Read about three games you may have missed during the OG Xbox's initial run!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s (Playstation Vita) Review.
Sex sells and the title of this game is worth a billion dollars. But will it be as perverted as the title makes the game out to be? Will it be a nice wholesome game with a very decent story? Find out in my review of Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s. (Click on "Read More" to read the full review.)
Friday, October 18, 2019
Green Phoenix - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Review

That being said, with the first two films in the original trilogy now explored, and the two flashback episodes that show us the rise of Darth Vader and the fall of the Jedi, its time for both prequel and original series storylines to come to an end in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
Released in 1983 as the final film in the original trilogy, the Machete Order treats Episode VI as the final conclusion to the Skywalker story and was also the conclusion of the series in Episode Order, one of the very few strong points of that viewing order.
With this basic introduction out of the way, let's take a look at the final story in the Star Wars saga (until Disney completes their first trilogy).
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Mirai Sentai Timeranger Episodes 9-11 - Summary/Reviews
Speeding this up, there is no need to give every episode a full analysis. I will save those for the special episodes. We will skip all the filler portions in these group reviews. Now, click "read more" and let's check out the next 3 episodes.
Monday, October 14, 2019
News: Postal 4: No Regerts Announced
Kamen Rider BLACK! Episode 19 - The Suffocating Trap of Hell. Summary/Review
With Pink Guy Birugenia still out to get Kamen Rider, I wonder what his next deliciously evil plan could be. Find out here and also my thoughts on the episode in this exciting nineteenth edition of the Kamen Rider Black summary and review series. (Click on "Read More" to read the full article.)
Friday, October 11, 2019
Green Phoenix - Jurassic Park Review

But of all the dinosaur media, none have had a greater impact on my love and passion than the Jurassic Park franchise. While I can only really call the first film a good film, I have always found the entire series enjoyable and thrilling...because, you know, it has dinosaurs in it.
Based on the best-selling 1990 novel by the late Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park was released in 1993 to near universal acclaim.
So let's take a look at one of my favorite films of all time and one of the most influential science fiction thrillers of all time: Jurassic Park.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Deadliest Catch: The Game Early Access Demo (Steam) - Review
Here is an interesting little early access title. I've never watched the show Deadliest Catch but I know enough about it to play the game. Basically, you catch King Crabs. Please click "read more" for the full review.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Monday, October 7, 2019
HoPiKo (PS4) Review.
Super Meat Boy, Super Mario Brothers: The Lost Levels, I Wanna Be the Guy, Bubsy 3D. What do all of these games have in common? Well, other than being platformers, these games are super hard to beat. Today's game is in the same league as those titles, but this time it isn't a platformer. This is HoPiKo, the ultra hard puzzle jumper game for the PS4. (it also came out on other systems.) How is it? Find out in my review. (Click on "Read More" to read the full article.)
Friday, October 4, 2019
Green Phoenix - D-War Review
Developed by a South Korean film production company, by a director who spent years of time, money, and energy with the hopes of creating a South Korean blockbuster film, Dragon Wars (sometimes just abbreviated to D-War) was the highest budgeted South Korean film at the time of its release and received a mostly negative response from viewers and critics.
Despite this, I happened across this film in a Walmart bargain bin probably 10 years ago and just thought "Why not?". And from that impulse buy, I was introduced to a work that is one part passion project and other part international Syfy film.
While not at all a good film, the love and ambition is clearly seen and I enjoy watching this movie just as much for its few good parts as I do for its many, many, many, many bad parts.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude! (Sega Genesis) - Review
Well, this is an interesting little title. Based on an obscure board game called Surf Trip and given very little development time, what can one expect from this title? Click "read more" and let's find out.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Kamen Rider Zero-One. Episode 1 - I'm President Kamen Rider. Summary/Review
The future had arrived a few weeks ago and that future is Kamen Rider Zero-One. Not only is it a new season of Kamen Rider, it's also the first Kamen Rider of a new era. We are now in the Reiwa Era, meaning that there's a lot of pressure for the show (not really, I just thought that part sounded cool). Anyway, let's see if this first episode will be good or not in this exciting summary and review of the first episode of Kamen Rider Zero-One. (Click o "Read More" to read the full article.)
Friday, September 27, 2019
Green Phoenix - Stars War: Revenge of the Sith Review

So when the film came out in May of 2005, my entire family went out to go see the film in theaters, something we only really did for the Harry Potter films. And even to this day, Revenge of the Sith remains an essential part of my childhood, even as I recognize its many many flaws.
With that introduction and understanding out of the way, we will now take a look at the fourth film in the Machete Order and the last of the "flashback films", Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Uchuu Keiji Gavan Episode 16 Review: Incidental Babysitter Extraordinaire in...Farewell, Galactic Express!!!
You know what time it is, people: Because REASONS, the Makuu are trying to find Dr. Barnes and seize his anti-radiation technology. A little girl learns to love and Gavan learns to take another beating. I guess this counts as an episode, right?
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Number 36: Shoot the Bomb - Summary/Review
Back again for episode 36. This is an uncommon episode focused on the Patrangers. The poor Global Police have been getting the short end of the writing all season and I doubt this episode will be different. Hope I'm wrong Click "read more" and let's get this over with.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Monday, September 23, 2019
Kamen Rider BLACK! Episode 18 - Sword Saint Birugenia. Summary/Review
With an episode title that sounds like it could've been a cool spin-off series, this is my summary and review for episode 18 of Kamen Rider Black. Yeah, it's going to be a special episode indeed. (Click on "Read More" to read the full article.)
Friday, September 20, 2019
Green Phoenix - How Few Remain Review

While I would eventually like to cover every single story in the series with similar reviews (much like I would like to do with the Ring of Fire series), I believe that covering the first book How Few Remain, which is fairly isolated from the rest of the series and can act very much like a standalone story, is a great way to hopefully introduce more people into this classic of alternate history.
With that out of the way, let's take a look at Harry Turtledove's How Few Remain, released in 1997.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger Number 35: The Good, The Bad, and the Normal - Summary/Review
Back to more cops and robbers and are just over the 2/3 mark of this season. The last episode introduced a new powerful weapon for the Lupinrangers with no scenario that needed it and has almost completely left the Patrangers in their shadows. Where can this season go from there? Click "read more" and we shall see.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Yeah, This is Modded: eXtremeRate Front Controller Shells (Xbox One S Variant)
Do you make your controller stand out from the usual ones? Read my review and see if this product is for you!
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Pokemon TCG - Unified Minds. OWC: The Lost Episode.
Unified Minds has been out for a little while now. So, this post is late to the party. There's a very good reason behind that. What is that reason? Most importantly is what juicy pulls did I get from this set? Find out in this special lost episode of Obsessions With Cardboard. (Click on "Read More" to read the full article.)
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- Kamen Rider BLACK! Episiode 20 - Rider's Grave. Su...
- Green Phoenix - Die Hard Review
- Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot: Episode 05 - Th...
- Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patra...
- Krinkle Krusher (PS4) Review.
- Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patra...
- Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patra...
- Green Phoenix - Remembering My Little Pony
- Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patra...
- News: Pokemon Global Link Shuts Down in 2020
- Charinko Hero (Nintendo Gamecube) Review.
- Red Prime Shard: Steven Universe Future Intro Pre-...
- Green Phoenix - Dragonheart Review
- VR Troopers Episode 13 Review - Dogmatic Change
- Red Diamond: Super Sentai World - Summary/Review
- News: New Pokemon Games Spark Backlash Amongst Fans
- Kamen Rider: The Bike Race (Playstation 1) Review....
- Green Phoenix - Godzilla (1998) Review
- Gekisou Sentai Carranger Ep. 1: Fighting for Traff...
- Jissen Pachi Slot Hisshoho Single: Kamen Rider & G...
- Green Phoenix - The Saga of Tanya the Evil Review
- Red Diamond: My top 10 Best Incarnations of Power ...
- Grass Cutter - Mutated Lawns (Playstation Vita) Re...
- Green Phoenix - The Monolith Monsters Review
- My Top 5 Worst Incarnations of Power Rangers
- Fenris Talks About: Three More Gaming Gems You May...
- Power Rangers Zeo Full Tilt Battle Pinball (PS1) R...
- Green Phoenix - Building Better Backstories II
- Mirai Sentai Timeranger: Episodes 12-14 - Summary/...
- Fenris Talks About: Three Hidden Gems on the Origi...
- Pantsu Hunter: Back to the 90s (Playstation Vita) ...
- Green Phoenix - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Review
- Mirai Sentai Timeranger Episodes 9-11 - Summary/Re...
- News: Postal 4: No Regerts Announced
- Kamen Rider BLACK! Episode 19 - The Suffocating Tr...
- Green Phoenix - Jurassic Park Review
- Deadliest Catch: The Game Early Access Demo (Steam...
- News: Destiny 2's New Light Update Shows Us How Fa...
- HoPiKo (PS4) Review.
- Green Phoenix - D-War Review
- Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude! (Sega Genesis) ...
- Kamen Rider Zero-One. Episode 1 - I'm President K...
- Green Phoenix - Stars War: Revenge of the Sith Review
- Uchuu Keiji Gavan Episode 16 Review: Incidental Ba...
- Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patra...
- Fenris Talks About: Top 5 "Meh" DLCs I've Played (...
- Kamen Rider BLACK! Episode 18 - Sword Saint Biruge...
- Green Phoenix - How Few Remain Review
- Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patra...
- Yeah, This is Modded: eXtremeRate Front Controller...
- Pokemon TCG - Unified Minds. OWC: The Lost Episode.